Abdul Rasool Building Overview
Abdul Rasool Building is located in Al Nahda 2, Deira in Dubai. Abdul Rasool Building is currently a Ready to Move project . Abdul Rasool Building is offering in size ranging from 0 Sq. Ft. to 0 Sq. Ft.(Saleable) Abdul Rasool Building is approximately at 4.2 Kms from Beirut Street and ~4.2 Kms from Beirut Street. Project has a connectivity rating of 7, livability rating of 5.2, lifestyle rating of 6.2 and value for money rating of 5.2 out of 10. Project has Strategically located project, Easy access to Stadium Metro Station 2, Easy access to Century Mall, Well connected to Beirut Street.
Abdul Rasool Building Key Amenities
Abdul Rasool Building Specifications
- RCC Frame Structure
Transport Accessibility and Commute Time from Abdul Rasool Building
Al Nahda (Dubai) Dubai - Location & Nearby Facilities

- Schools
- City Connections
- Hospitals
- Hotels
- Shopping Centers
- Business Hubs
Abdul Rasool Building Connecting Roads
- Beirut Street ~ 4.2 Kms
Abdul Rasool Building Quick Links
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