Renaissance School, Dubai Sports City grading system aligns with the US Curriculum, ensuring clarity and simplicity in assessing student performance. The following are the grade years they offer -
KG 1 to KG 2
Grade 1 to Grade 7
The goal of Renaissance School Dubai is to provide students with 21st-century skills. The Next Generation Learning Standards are a major curriculum component and support students with varying needs.
The New York State Learning Standards support student eduction in arts, science, and languages. The school also follows the Physical Education Learning Standards. Renaissance School Dubai Sports City incorporates International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE) principles to assist its information and communication technology (ICT) programs.
Renaissance School prioritises the teaching and learning of Arabic above all else. The school provides a specific Arabic language curriculum based on Ministry of Education Guidelines to guarantee that students thrive in the language. Students learn Arabic starting from kindergarten. The foundations needed to learn Arabic are laid by teachers using the communicative language approach. The school provides engaging language exercises to improve students' vocabulary, writing, and reading abilities in Arabic. The school also adheres to the Islamic Education and Social Studies requirements set by the Ministry of Education (MOE).
The following syllabus applies to every stage of education at Renaissance School, Dubai Sports City:
Kindergarten Syllabus
Kindergarten students have to take the following subjects:
Kindergarten - Subjects
English Languages
The optional subjects in KG1 and KG2 are as follows:
KG 1 and KG 2 - Optional Subjects
Physical Education Family
Health and Consumer Science
Social Studies
World Languages
Arts (Theatre and Music)
Elementary Stage Syllabus
The school follows the New York State Standard Curriculum for its primary sections. This implies that students of all ages learn the same courses regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or other characteristics. In addition to the national context, the elementary stage curriculum includes an international curriculum.
The elementary stage covers the following subjects:
Elementary Stage Subjects
English Language Arts
Social Studies
Arts (Theatre and Music)
Physical Education Family
World Languages
Health and Consumer Science