The Alpha School is a British primary school situated in Al Qusais 3, Dubai. Established in 2017, the school offers an expansive and enhanced curriculum that follows the English National Curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. The school also has a committed Early Years Establishment Stage program for youngsters matured 3 to 5 years of age.
The Alpha School is focused on giving a supporting and invigorating learning environment for all of its understudies. The school has major areas of strength for an on academic excellence, yet it also puts an extraordinary accentuation on personal and social turn of events. The schools accomplished and qualified instructors are committed to assisting every kid with arriving at their maximum capacity.
The Alpha School is a famous decision for guardians who are searching for a high-quality British education for their youngsters. The school has gained notoriety for its academic outcomes, and its understudies reliably beat the national average. The school also has a large number of extra-curricular activities on offer, which assists with fostering understudies' interests and talents.
In the event that you are searching for a British primary, school in Dubai, The Alpha School merits considering. The school offers an extraordinary and improving learning experience that will assist your kid with flourishing.