Introducing Fujairah Private Academy, a prestigious school in Fujairah, UAE, was established in 1982 by Shaikh Hamad Bin Mohammad Al Sharqi. It intends to open high-quality British education to its expatriates and local Emiratis. The school offers education from Foundation Stage 1 (FS1) to Year 12. This academy has become a recognised not-for-profit international educational hub in the Al Fujairah neighbourhood, drawing more than 750 students from 35 different countries.
Moreover, Fujairah Private Academy is delighted with its friendly environment and strict adherence to the internationally acclaimed United Kingdom and Wales curriculum, enrolling students from the Foundation Stage to the High School. Fujairah Private Academy's unwavering commitment to the curriculum of the United Kingdom and Wales, as well as its core principles, guarantees that every student develops an international perspective.
Fujairah Private Academy provides excellent learning chances and lets parents and students explore and become part of a vibrant community that encourages understanding, knowledge, and global awareness.